Thursday, February 19, 2009

Makenzie's Play

I know you've all been waiting to see what Makenzie looks like as a tree so here it is....The play was amazing! The songs were so cute and the sets were darling. I was amazed at the talent of these elementary aged kids. Makenzie was the best tree, the leaves and branches on her head are made of tights stuffed with pringles cans-oh the things people think of! I'm hoping for a dvd if I get one I'll try and post a little of it so you can see the talent of these kids. It was the best experience for Kenzie. She practiced for about 4 months, three days a week! It took a lot of dedication to see this through to the end. I am so proud of Makenzie for sticking to it and being a great tree!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The end of another exciting week!

I am so glad this week is over! The kids had parent teacher conferences this week, so they were home every day by 1:30, except for Kenzie she had play practice every night until 5:30pm. It made for a long week! Corbin is working on his animal report, he chose the exciting world of the Cheetah! Kenzie is getting ready for their play NEXT WEEK, and Tyson just wants soccer to start. I am enjoying the fascinating world of the Brain (my biopsychology class), and Troy is still doing what Troy does, EVERYDAY! My mom did call this week to see if we would be able to go to Kansas over Spring Break, I hope that all works out, it would be so much fun! Oh yeah and I may be loosing the old piece of scrap parked on the side of my house, Corbin guilted Troy into either working on the Porche or else getting rid of it, NO he's not getting rid of it (I'm not that lucky) but he is taking it to the hot rod shop next to his door shop so they can do some work on it, either way it'll be out of my hair!