Monday, December 7, 2009


Yesterday Troy was ordained an Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was such a great day! It has been amazing to see the changes and growth that have taken place in our family over the past year. Life seems more simple and meaningful than it used to. Our journey has not always been an easy one but at the end of the day it is so worth it. I am so proud of Troy and all he has accomplished. He is an amazing husband and father. He is a great example for me and my kids and I look forward to the day we become an eternal family. I would like to thank our family and friends for all your help and support over the past eleven years, we love you guys!


Kamee said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I'm so happy that you guys are doing so well. You are a great family and deserve all that you've worked for.

Jamie said...

Yah for Troy!!! That's awesome.

Janene said...

That is awesome! Congratulations to your whole family! :)