Troy's dad came to town a few weeks ago and we took the kids to see Bolt! I thought it was a cute movie, which surprised me because most of the reviews it recieved were bad ones. Yeah, Miley Cyrus doesn't have a cute voice, but luckily she doesn't have that many parts! If you haven't taken your kids, this is a cute, fun family movie, you should take them! After the movie we took the kids for pizza at Este's pizza in SLC. it was really good, Lisa taught the kids to make turkeys with napkins, they thought it was pretty cool! Here's some pictures!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Posted by Jenn at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Laser Tag!
Since it's a Holiday weekend, and the kids were out of school on Wednesday, we decided to go play laser tag! I let them each invite friends, Makenzie of course couldn't only invite 1, so there ended up being 11 of us total. My friend Chersty was nice enough to come play with us! All day long, about every 15 min, my kids would ask if it was time to go. I'm not sure if they just don't understand time or if they just like asking over and over but I told them all "it doesn't open until 4pm" the closer it got to 4 the more excited they all became. It finally was the magic hour so we all piled into the cars and drove over and guess actually opens at "5"!!!
We decided to go get Little Caesars and take it to a park to kill some time, so here we are the end of November, having a picnic in the park! It was cold, but thank goodness there is not any snow yet!
We did eventually make it to play laser tag, and the kids had a blast! Corbin, Tyson, their friend Jeremy, me and Chersty were all on one team, the girls were all on the other! When the game ended they all wanted to play again, so now they are planning the next trip!
Posted by Jenn at 8:42 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Jamie's Cabin
A while back we went to Jamie's Cabin, I took pictures, I told her I would post them so that everyone in Michigan can see how great the cabin turned out! My kids think it was the coolest place, Corbin wouldn't stop climbing the dirt hills! It was a fun afternoon! Thanks Jamie!!!
Posted by Jenn at 11:37 PM 1 comments
Obama or Bust!
Posted by Jenn at 3:07 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Troy's Luck!
The many of you who know my husbands past with buying me gifts will find this funny! Troy called me the other day, he was so excited because he had just come up with the most perfect gift for me, and he still had 3 weeks until my birthday, he thought he was the coolest husband and this would prove it(Troy's "M O" is to pick me up a gift either the day of or the night before, but NEVER has he gotten something this early) I was impressed too! Well today I got an E-mail thanking me for my subscription to Psychology Today magazine. Now this is a thoughful gift and something I would really like, HAD I NOT ORDERED IT ALREADY! What makes this so funny is that I had a conversation with him(which he now remembers) and I told him how I had just gotten sucked into subscribing to this magazine! I found it funny! He says that it's not fair because the thing that was supposed to show how great and thoughtful he is actually backfired and shows how much he doesn't listen. I'm betting his days of ever getting me something ahead of time are over! Thanks anyway Troy, at least you know it's something I liked!!!
Posted by Jenn at 7:22 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My Daughter "The TREE!"
Posted by Jenn at 8:32 PM 5 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I am so excited for fall this year! Not only will there be new shows such as the Office, Grays Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, House and lets not forget the start of a new Football Season etc...(I'm really looking forward to the Office will Jim and Pam get married, and who finds Dwight and Angela? and what shinanagans will Micheal come up with this year?) but the leaves will change, I won't have to mow the lawn anymore, my kids and there friends will stop leaving garbage all over the yard and I can start using my pumpkin scented wallflower! I also love the clothing that the fall allows us to wear....Sweaters and long sleeve shirts....I don't know why but I don't love summer. I like summer activities, but the HEAT gets to me(especially because my air conditioning isn't working right) I love the feel of fall! :) It also is the start of the Holiday season with Halloween as the first-Yeah-I love watching my kids get excited for the school parade, deciding what they want to dress up like, discussing costumes with their friends and welcoming them back with a nice cup of hot chocolate when they get home from a night of trick-or-treating with their dad. I love this time of year!
Posted by Jenn at 7:32 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Todds Face!!!
Todd got into a fight with a softball the other day! I think he lost! He has six stitches under his eye and a small fracture on the bone below his eye (Melissa might know what this is officially called). His team LOST by a landslide that night, someone should let Todd know that there are easier ways to get out of a loosing game, that doesn't require spending several hours in the Hospital!
Posted by Jenn at 3:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Discovery Gateway!
We all went to the Discovery Gateway Museum to get out of the rain on Labor Day! It was a lot of fun, but very crowded! I would like to go back and spend more time explaining what each experiment does to my kids,it
was just so busy there was
no way!
Posted by Jenn at 10:16 PM 1 comments
The other night Corbin came running downstairs screaming "It works mom, it really works"!!! Upon asking him what it is that exactly works he said tying a string to your tooth and the door knob and then slamming the door. It really pulls your tooth out! He was so excited. He tied floss to his tooth and the door and made Tyson slam it, they thought it was the funniest thing!
Posted by Jenn at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Back to school!!!
We started back to school on the 25th, Makenzie is now in 5th grade and is pretty sure she has the coolest teacher in the whole world!!! She is also in a class with alot of friends! I think she's going to have a great year!
Corbin is in 2nd grade and also has lots of friends in his class. His teacher seems to have a lot of emphasis on reading, so I expect him to be a pro by the end of the year! He wouldn't set at his desk for a picture, he's too cool!
And last is my big kindergartener!!Tyson is sooo excited to start school! His first REAL day is tuesday, he can't wait to be able to ride the bus with all the other kids! He's got a great teacher and several kids from his soccer team are in his class, so he's not going to be to lonely without his mom!
Posted by Jenn at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Summer Recap!
Posted by Jenn at 7:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Venting My Frustration!!!
So every night I put my kids to bed at 9:00. Usually they have no problems going to bed, but lately its been a bit of a problem! Corbin and Tyson try everything they can think of to keep themselves awake. Tonight they were in their beds yelling "MOM come tuck us in" over and over they yelled to which I responded "When your in bed for the rest of the night I will be up" So I go up and tuck them in and what happens five minutes later---They are both downstairs wanting drinks. I tell them to hurry and get back in bed, Tyson ends up dropping a glass on his big toe, and FREAKS out!!! My patience at this point is not good, I yell " If you had stayed in bed like you were supposed too that wouldn't have happened. I put a spongebob band-aid on his toe and send him to bed. Right now they are singing in their beds and laughing at each other!!! I guess I feel that bed time is at 9, so my "mom" job should be over at 9 is that so much to ask? If it was a real job I would at least get a break right? Just Venting, but do you feel me?
Posted by Jenn at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sometimes I wonder what goes through Corbin's head! He and Tyson had some friends over, Corbin and his friend were told to get a sharp knife out of the drawer by Makenzie, and before we knew it the Indiana Jones in Corbin came out with a vengeance-he stabbed a box-problem is Tyson's knee was behind the box-OUCH!!! The knife went right through the box and stabbed Tyson! He of course started screaming! It wasn't a really big cut thank goodness, but it went a little deep, no stitches were required; just a good old band-aid did the trick!!! The last time Corbin got his hands on a knife, the couch cushion took the brunt-sixteen stabbings through the couch! He was much younger, but I think I need to start locking the knifes up!
Posted by Jenn at 3:14 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
-Yep, it was Corbin! I totally took advantage of squirting him off with the hose, he didn't seem to mind it, he thought he was SOOO FUNNY!
Posted by Jenn at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Posted by Jenn at 7:32 PM 2 comments
They will be missed!
I am going to miss the Jazz games! Our team made it into the playoffs, but we just could not pull off enough wins against the Lakers. It was great watching D-Will and all his mad skills! I'll be looking forward to next season!
Posted by Jenn at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jenn at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Bear Lake
Makenzie is doing a report on Rich county for school! We visited Bear Lake so she could research her county. She walked into the water and it was freezing!!! Then we of course went for Raspberry shakes!
Posted by Jenn at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Our Trip to Goblin Valley!
Posted by Jenn at 1:54 PM 0 comments