Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama or Bust!

Those who know my family won't be surprised that we up and decided to drive to Las Vegas and see Barrack Obama at a rally! It was my Dad and Mom's idea, they both went, my brothers Mark and Todd, me and my three kids! We arrived in Vegas late, but I wanted to take the kids down to see the strip at night! We have been to Vegas several times, but we just never managed to get the kids to the strip at night before. So we started at Planet Hollywood, we saw the indoor thunderstorm, ate ice cream, then decided to venture outside! OOPS, this may not have been the best idea. I forgot how NOT kid friendly the strip is! We walked from Planet Hollywood all the way to Treasure Island, we wanted to see the pirates. This was a tricky walk, I kept pointing out other things to my kids when we would walk past a building that had open sides and ladies on poles, Corbin said Tyson look down, I immediately shouted NO, look at each other. The ground was covered in cards of Naked ladies, so the only safe place for them to look was straight or at each other. When we reached Treasure Island, the cool pirate show was replaced with a bad, barely dressed, production of a "Pussycat Dolls" show(these are also bad, so I guess this would have been an even worse one)! Then we had to walk all the way back to our car-It was so far and so LATE(3am Utah time) The next day we dropped the kids off to Kevin(my father-in-law) and went to the Rally! It was really fun, there were so many people and everyone was so nice and friendly, except the guy who wouldn't let us sit on the ground. We had to stand for about 5 hours! Obama did a good job, he didn't really say anything we hadn't already heard but, it was good. I won't go into my political opinion, but it was a great experience and now I can say I saw the Pres. Elect! We picked the kids up and drove straight home, it was a fast trip and also a very memorable one! I did learn that the strip at night is definitely not a place for kids!!!


Kim said...

I had no idea that you guys went to Vegas. Sounds like you has lots of fun!

Melissa said...

You should have posted those pics of your dad at the rally. That picture of your kids is really cute...I'm totally gonna copy you

ceryl said...

I agree with Melissa, that picute of your kids is really cute, I wonder who took it?? Ha Ha. So I'm sure as I'm posting this my kids are causing trouble at your house. What would I do if you weren't my neighbor. You are never allowed to move, well until we do. Love you guys!